PRPHC Insider

The PRPHC Insider is launching soon!

Digital & Print
Impactful stories that matter, with truly engaging content through text, images, sound, and video.

Interactive & Engaging

PRPHC Insider

The PRPHC INSIDER is a digital and printed super high-end luxury lifestyle magazine.

We cover the Iconic World of PRPHC, where premium brands, an exclusive lifestyle, outstanding experiences, and state-of-the-art products and services come together.

With in-depth articles and captivating videos, the PRPHC Insider is a real multimedia tool to showcase your brand story.

Collaborate and strengthen your brand awareness with a global reach.

Create a real brand experience

PRPHC offers a 360 marketing strategy to grow your business through multiple platforms and channels. Placement in the PRPHC Insider, offers you the possibility to be presented via the following opportunities. 


We cover highlights from the PRPHC Insider, and special offers from brands like yours. Branded takeovers are possible too.


Our exclusive and spectacular PRPHC events add great value by offering original entertainment & experiencing concepts, combined with the display of preferred partner brands for maximum brand experience.

Social Media

Creating extra media attention for our collaboration of brands through our social media channels. 

PRPHC Mansion & Boutique

We showcase an exclusive and authorized range of spectacular master brands, collectibles, and wanna-haves. It will give visitors the chance to try, see and experience your brand. The PRPHC Boutique is our e-commerce version of the mansion and offers a carefully selected collection of brands.

We invite you to become a PRPHC preferred brand partner.

Premium pricing and packages are available besides our standard rates.